Room Standart
Here you can have a rest or stay for the time of your business trip. We offer our guests all they need for a pleasant stay in a comfortable room for one or two persons with one big bed or two separate beds. The rooms are quite cozy. Most of the rooms of this category have a residence inner yard view.
The room is well furnished, and it has all the necessary services in it:
- air conditioners (individual temperature control);
- CATV (channels of the main world TV companies);
- telephone (communication with the reception);
- fridge;
- individual safe;
- shower section;
- single use bathroom accessories (shampoo, soap);
There are smoke detectors and fire alarm set in the room.
For security reasons the residence is being guarded 24 hours a day and video supervision is on in the hall of the residence.
Reasonable prices, professional service, comfort and friendly attitude are the conditions you can count on with no doubt having chosen “Osobnyak” among the numerous hotels of our city.
The personnel of our residence can always help you choose a room in accordance with your demands and taste.